The sewing room hit the tipping point this morning.
Total chaos.
I realized I didn't feel like sewing because it was
such a mess and really needed a major clean up.

Piles everywhere. They needed to be put into project boxes
and onto the shelf for now.
Clear the decks so you can think!

I'll have the after photos tomorrow . . .
I also had a little helper in the sewing room.
Mocha desperately needed to look out the window to
see what all that the noise on the street was about!
Mocha is a guest for the next week
while her family is on vacation.
She is very sweet and loves to be right next to me
no matter what I am doing.

And because I couldn't be around all that fabric and just clean,
Kim sent everyone a nice package of fabrics and some notions
for a block that has texture.
I got a zipper! A zipper!!!
Okay, think I'm up for the challenge.

Here is what I came up with.
I did add in a few of my own fabrics.

I pleated some green fabric and did a little decorative stitch
to hold it all together.
You can also see I sewed the zipper down with the same stitch

After I looked at it a bit, I decided to add some snaps
for the eyes on the bug.

Kim, you wanted texture! I hope you like this.
It was really fun. Loved your fabrics and the challenge.
Did you have a productive day today?