I have started a new project . . .
60* triangle quilt.
The quilt pictured below started the inspiration for my new quilt.
This quilt was done by Judy Doenias.
She showed us this and many other quilt tops in her City Quilter University class.
She called it a pyramid pattern.
I liked it.

Then I remembered this quilt that Rita from Red Pepper Quilts did, and I started playing around with this . . .

I think this looks much better. You really get the idea of the contrasting lights and darks.
I really like how this is coming along. Now to cut more triangles!
I think I am going to call this quilt Hard Candy.
nice peak! I started a triangle quilt yesterday, on a quick whim of an idea.... (do i really need to start another project) Seems they are in the air! great peak!